Sunday Musings – by Diana Butler Bass – The Cottage

I’m so delighted to have one of my poems included in the wonderful Diana Butler Bass’ blog. I love her work and am currently feeling quite excited! It’s almost like I’m participating in the Wild Goose Festival from my rather hot garden.

Here’s a link to the whole poem – the first of a series.

The ‘Mary, at your feet’ poems – One

I was thinking of the small, wind-carried seeds that now fill the meadow patch of our lawn, and how we never know where our words will blow to, how they will land, or what future flowers they may bear.

Edit: 19th July.
I’ve just listened to Diana Butler Bass’ sermon on All the Marys. Wow. It’s extraordinary. Some astonishing new scholarship and some powerful rethinking of the Mary and Martha texts. I’ll do some pondering, and find out more, but here it is. If you have access to Substack, listen and be astonished.
What if this is a valid interpretation?

Peter the Rock, Mary the Tower.

2 thoughts on “Sunday Musings – by Diana Butler Bass – The Cottage

  1. Or as our vicar preached this morning, different decisions are right at different times and for different people. We are not all called to be contemplative or to be contemplative all the time. Sometimes we are called ‘to do’


    • Yes. I’m always struck by how Luke organises his material to disrupt any easy answers. In this case, as you know, the visit to Martha and Mary immediately follows the Parable of the Good Samaritan, which is very much “Go and do…. likewise”. It’s so rich, and the tensions give much to contemplate.


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